A rarity for the lower mainland and especially for Burnaby Lake were 4 black necked stilts. I was lucky enough to catch up with them one evening on the last day of August thanks to a mention from a local bird enthusiast.
I think this may well be one of my favourite shore birds

This burrowing owl was a rare sighting near our airport, and soon became the target of many not so ethical visitors who pretty much flushed away from it's location. It is a sad day when people cannot just respect endangered wildlife.
Although there is concern within the thoughts of birders, and bird photographers, these snowy owls are quite alright with respectful photographers.
Using a decent tele-photo or zoom will result in great shots, without disturbances.
Also getting the shots and getting out is the best option.
At some point in time they need to feed, and the more people who "get that" the better off all will get along.
The birds came to a place where there are many people who use the dike for walks and they are accustomed to seeing people.They like busy airports, and even hang out at the golf course where golfers walk by constantly during the day.

More on the return of snowy owls to the area. Apparently about 30 of them

Fighting over a vole in mid air...Note the vole in the left side of owl claw.

The snowy owls return after a 4 year absence.

A rare opportunity for a Merlin to be so accommodating.
Taken at Iona in Richmond.