Anything goes Saturday
Posted by Douglas Brown , Monday, January 18, 2010 8:50 AM
Saturday at Boundary Bay this was the scene. After walking down the dike closer, some of the eagles took off, so it was quite easy to get individual shots.
The day was spectacular as it was one of the first full days of sun in weeks, and the photographers and birders were out in force.
My list of the day included 2 peregrine falcons, a few Cooper's hawks, Kestrel,Sharp Shinned,Ring Necked Ducks,many many shorebirds, and I lost count of the eagles after 40.
One highlight of the day was a Short Eared Owl sitting on a sign post 10 feet away from my vehicle,so I blasted off as many shots I could, and it flew to t wire after a larger truck drove by.