Posted by Douglas Brown , Monday, April 5, 2010 9:15 PM
Last year in the summer I was in Penticton,
and Naramata with hopes of capturing quail,
and magpies.
It seems, though they were in numbers,
none were cooperating for a nice photo,
other than in the dark of trees or on the ground.
Late this March I had the chance to go up again for a week,
and said to myself this is my goal.
Then the magpies were all around gathering foliage for nesting,
so they did not seem to care how close I got.

These being on the ground
was a non issue, because the sky was a bit overcast,
and was playing havoc with white balance.

The bonus of the week was seeing some bluebirds.
Heading up to Vaseaux Lake saw a bit too much snow on the road,
even for the Jeep, so on the way back down.
a few Western Bluebirds were spotted close to the road

Those are a lifer for me.